Are you interested in growing orchids but don’t know how to begin? As tropical plants, orchid plants usually prefer warm, humid conditions and are relatively easy to cultivate when you know how.

The Caboolture Orchid Society members are keen to share their knowledge with interested persons at their upcoming annual winter show. Held over two days during the school holidays, the Caboolture Orchid Society team up with several other orchid enthusiast groups across south-east Queensland to compete, show and sell flowering orchids and foliage plants to the public.
“There is something new to learn each time.”
Visitors can expect to see outstanding displays of flowering orchids, ferns, foliage plants and floral art from growers in the Caboolture, Sunshine Coast and Hinterland areas. Tillandsias, Orchids, African Violets, Bromeliads, Succulents, Cacti and Ferns will be on sale, in addition to orchid growing accessories, floral art and arts and crafts.
The event is wheelchair accessible, and ample parking is available on the street or via the Morayfield East School’s Drop off Zone. Entry is $4, and young children can enter for free. The Caboolture Orchid Society will donate $500 from the show proceeds to the Children’s Brain Cancer Unit, a charity the society has nominated to support.

It is not all show and no punch. Society members exhibit and enter their flowering Orchids and foliage plants into competitions during the two-day event. Some members choose to show only Australian native orchids, while others prefer to compete in one particular class.
Show entries are judged by a panel of professional judges based on colour, structure, shape, and the number of flowers on each plant. This year, budding photographers are also included in the Orchid photography competition class. With about $4000 in prize money up for grabs across the various classes and a Grand Champion prize of $100, with other champion blooms taking Champion prize money to $250, the competition is shaping up to be tough.
If you are curious about growing Orchids, the Society show is an excellent opportunity to see the plants and chat with experienced growers keen to share their expertise. Society Secretary Robyn Denkel has been growing Orchids for over twenty years and says the society is a highly active group, publishing a member newsletter and running a Facebook page where enthusiasts can ask questions and seek advice. Society Membership is $20 p.a., and the first three meetings are free to attend.
According to Robyn, there is something new to learn each time.
Each month, the group meet on a Friday, often with guest speakers attending. Specialist grower information and practical demonstrations are offered at the Growers Days, held each month on a Saturday. Topics include using sprays or fertilisers and caring for Orchids over the dormant winter period. And if that’s not enough to attract your interest, the group organise bus trips for members to attend garden displays, open days, and other relevant shows.
Caboolture Orchid Society Annual Winter Show 2023
Morayfield East State School
Graham Road, Morayfield
Friday, June 30 8.30 – 4 pm
Saturday 1st July 8.30 – 3 pm
Robyn Denkel (Society Secretary)
Mob: 0429 031 008