Local networking group, Connect Narangba, recently donated their time and resources to complete stage one of Narangba Rural Fire Brigade’s much-needed fence, but more volunteers are needed to help complete the project.
With approximately 35 volunteers, Narangba Rural Fire Brigade (NRFB) plays a key local role in promoting fire safety awareness to clubs and schools, along with hazard reduction burning services for acreage dwellers. With their time and resources spent donating to the community, the station’s 22-year-old perimeter fence is in desperate need of replacement, due in most part to the security threats NRFB has seen in recent years in the form of burglaries and hooning.
Enter Narangba business directory/networking group, Connect Narangba, and Energex. In a classic tale about the power of collaboration, stage one of the new fence has been completed, and volunteers are now being sought to help finish the fencing project.
With old power poles donated by Energex for the making of fence posts, Members and associates of Connect Narangba donated time and resources to remove and replace over 40 fence posts; all accomplished in half a day!
“I don't know how long it would have taken us to do it manually,” said Narangba Rural Fire Officer, Raelene Rowland. “What we had wasn't a fence. It didn't confine or secure what was in the yard. Motorbikes, horses and people could all get through.”
Chris Dickens, co-creator of Connect Narangba and one of NRFB’s newest recruits, is passionate about adding value to the community, and was confident that local businesses would rally behind the cause to help such a valued volunteer organisation.
“I was quite certain that we would be able to get some help,” said Chris. “We put a post on the Connect Narangba Facebook page and got a little bit of involvement from the community, who helped by donating their time to the project. Machines and other companies also assisted which made the job much easier.”
“What Connect Narangba have done is amazing and invaluable to us,” said Raelene. “We cannot speak highly enough of them. Them helping us out with this was unbelievable."
Building fences is not all this group can do. Showing the power of local collaboration, the Connect Narangba website hosts an online member database which is free for the public to search, enabling everyday people to source local professionals.
“Connect Narangba is all about success through others, and the fence is a great example of this,” said Chris. “By providing affordable, quality marketing and networking for our members, they can share local business and pro-bono opportunities, resulting in keeping business local.”
Connect Narangba are now in the process of arranging another event in the near future to complete NRFB’s fence paneling, and are calling upon the community to lend a helping hand.
“Carpentry or building experience would be valuable,” said Chris, “however simple manpower is just as crucial, even if it's to just hold, pass or move things.
Both Connect Narangba and the NRFB thank all the locals involved, including (but not limited to) CPS Civil, Power Bolt Electrical Air Conditioning & Home Automation, Russell McKenna Plant Hire, Loztrail Fabrications, Stone Side Supplies Stone Benchtops, JSB Kanga, Property Compliance Australia, Miles and Xavier Farmer, and Kent Walker.
For more information on volunteering, please contact Connect Narangba via their Facebook page or visit www.connectnarangba.com.au.
Rural Fire Brigade Fun Facts:
Did you now that in Queensland there are:
36,000 volunteer firefighters
2,600 fire wardens
1,400+ Rural Fire Brigades
436 rural fire stations
975 rural fire trucks+trailerable and slip on units
93% of Queensland's area is served by volunteer rural firefighters