Raising more awareness about domestic violence and the impact it has on the community is what the Moreton Bay Red Ride on 20 May is all about.

For Randall Macey (pictured) getting out on his motorbike is a big part of his life. So when he saw a post about the Moreton Bay Red Ride come up on his Facebook feed last year, he knew it was something he wanted to support.
After riding in the 2022 event and already living within the local area, Randall decided to join the committee and be a part of organising the next ride.
“Another big inspiration for me is thinking about the kids, especially as a young grandfather and I see my grandkids growing up in a world that’s got a lot of violence in it. It would be nice to see the change and be part of the change.”
The 2023 Moreton Bay Red Ride is on Saturday May 20 and will once again be a scenic ride to spread the word about putting a stop to domestic violence. Not only is he an avid rider for the event but Randall has also brought his business (Randall Can Fix It Handyman Service) onboard as a sponsor.
A rider for many years, Randall participates in several charity rides throughout the year and will hit the road on his trusty Cruiser motorcycle for the Red Ride.
“Supporting a worthy cause but also just being out there and being part of the biking community is important to me,” Randall says. “With the Red Ride, the reason behind it all – domestic violence – is something we’re seeing more of. I’ve seen a lot of it throughout other people’s families and how much it affects people. I also used to go into town on a Friday night giving out food to the homeless and you see people in there that come from a domestic violence background and it's like you can't give all your money to them, but you want to.”
Creating awareness is a big focus of the Red Ride with participants encouraged to wear red or even add the flag featuring the event emblem to their bike.
“We’re changing it up a bit this year by adding the flags, so we are a little bit more identifiable,” Randall says. “That way if anyone out there in their car sees us riding, they’ll be able to tell it’s the Red Ride with the flag.
“It’s so important to try and get as much awareness out there. You see the domestic violence stats coming through all the time of what it’s like out there. If we can help save one person from being in a DV situation, you know you’ve done something. But it’s also the mental side of things as well, where kids see their mum crying all the time or dad upset all the time.
“Another big inspiration for me is thinking about the kids, especially as a young grandfather and I see my grandkids growing up in a world that’s got a lot of violence in it. It would be nice to see the change and be part of the change.”
This is the third year for the Red Ride, which has encountered postponements in previous years due to wet weather. You can register prior to the event but there will also be opportunities to join in on the day. Starting at the Caboolture Showground, the ride will also head out to Redcliffe travelling back through Strathpine, out to Mount Samford and Dayboro and on to Woodford, Peachester, Beerburrum and ending back at the showground where there will be show and shine, entertainment and fun activities.
“It's not just about the ride, it's also about getting people together and to mingle, talk and have some fun,” Randall says. “Come and join in the spanner or helmet toss. Check out the cars and bikes on show, have something to eat or just make a donation if you can. Come along and enjoy the day.”
Along with Randall, other sponsors for the 2023 Red Ride include:
· Division 12 councillor Tony Latter
· Caboolture Rotary Club
· Caboolture Sports Club
· Moreton Bay Regional Council
· 101.5FM
· R&W Caboolture
· Pulse Property Real Estate
Funds raised will be donated to organisations that provide services and support to victims of domestic violence. The Red Ride serves to raise awareness of the issue of domestic violence and to promote a culture of non-violence and respect for all. This is an opportunity for riders to join in on a charity motorbike ride, to hit the open road and raise funds for a great cause.
Don’t miss all the action of the 2023 Moreton Bay Red Ride on Saturday May 20 kicking off at the Caboolture Showground. For further information about the event or to become a sponsor, visit redride.org.