Moreton Bay Regional Council is sending a simple but important message this May for Domestic and Family Prevention Month.
Help is here.
Council is hosting a series of ‘Staying Safe’ events in May to provide vital information to people experiencing or witnessing abuse about the support services available to them.
Mayor Peter Flannery said he wanted to see more individuals and families reaching out for help.
“From police and legal services to relationship councillors and accommodation providers - help is here,” Mayor Flannery said.
“While we are calling out this inexcusable behaviour throughout May, it’s a conversation we need community to continue beyond the next 30 days to eliminate this issue from our region and hopefully Australian society.
“We’ve supported each other through COVID-19, so let’s do the same for domestic and family violence.
“As a community, we must not condone violence, but instead promote independence, challenge gender stereotypes and foster equal and respectful relationships.”
Tenants Queensland DFV Project Officer Rose Brown said they worked together with other services to provide expert support around tenancy issues for people experiencing domestic and family violence.
“We’re proud to be part of these events to raise awareness about Queensland tenancy regulations allowing those experiencing violence to end their tenancy if they no longer feel safe in their home,” Ms Brown said.
“Hopefully this can reduce barriers to accessing housing and contribute to increased safety and housing stability, which is very important in the current housing situation.”
Any tenant can get free advice by calling 1300 744 263.
A difficult and complex issue, Mayor Peter Flannery said sometimes a conversation is all that’s needed to make a change.
“This May we’ll install our 14th Red Bench at The Esplanade in Deception Bay to continue to build a permanent reminder that violence occurs within all communities and encourage a conversation,” Mayor Flannery said.
“We’ll continue our Recognise and Reach Out campaign which aims to help people identify the warning signs and contact support services.
“And we’re proud to again partner with the Centre Against Domestic Abuse for their virtual candlelight vigil at 6pm Wednesday 5 May to remember the lives lost to domestic and family violence.
“I encourage everyone to get involved by lighting your own candle and posting a photo in remembrance of #LIVESLOSTDFV.”
Details and locations of the ‘Staying Safe’ events:
Redcliffe Uniting Church - 10am - 2pm, Friday 14 May 2021
Caboolture Hub - 10am - 2pm, Thursday 20 May 2021
Pine Rivers Park - 10am - 2pm, Thursday 27 May 2021
Guest speakers include Tenants Qld, Queensland Police Service, Women's Legal Service Queensland, Relationships Australia, the Mate Bystander Program, Broken to Brilliant and a service supporting women from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
For more information about the services available, visit https://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/Services/Community-Support/Domestic-and-Family-Violence