Classroom placements during a USC Bachelor of Primary Education were both preparation and inspiration for Morayfield State High School graduate Holly Clements.
Holly, 22, who graduated from USC this year, now works for the Department of Education at schools in the Gladstone region.
“I am loving relief teaching as it is so flexible,” she said. “I can spend a lot of time with my son, who is one year old, while still doing the work I love.”
Now a resident of Tannum Sands, Holly was halfway through high school when she discovered her enthusiasm for teaching.
“I became passionate about education and child development. Learning is the foundation to everything and I couldn’t wait to be a part of that,” she said.
“My degree offered so many different placements and I looked forward to these each semester. I liked the way the program was structured, with each subject scaffolded on previous learning.
“When I am in the classroom, I constantly remember things from my degree, ranging from behaviour management techniques and lesson planning to the reasoning behind the curriculum.”
As a casual, Holly was able to take time off during the strictest COVID-19 restrictions and be at home with her son.
“Now that schools are returning with social distancing and extra hygiene practices in place, I have been rostered two days a week and can’t wait to get back in the classroom.”
Holly enrolled at USC Sunshine Coast straight after completing school.
“I attended open days for universities in the city and USC. I chose USC because not only were the campus and facilities immaculate, but the support was incredible,” she said.
“Right from the start, Student Central and the Guild were helpful and available for guidance and questions. It felt very welcoming.”
QTAC applications are open to study at USC in Semester 2 this year. For more information about studying at USC, go to www.usc.edu.au/study.