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Wyllie Park Riverbank Stabilisation Works

Almost 2000 eucalyptus and mangroves will be planted in Wyllie Park to reinforce the riverbank and also provide more koala habitat to help support the local population in Petrie.

Environment Spokesperson and Councillor for Division 7 Denise Sims said stabilisation works are now underway along a 60-metre section of eroding riverbank at Wyllie Park.

“The park is a known koala habitat area and provides a vital link for fauna between the railway line, road and university,” she said.

“However, the riverbank has been slowly eroding due to severe weather impacts in recent years so it’s important we repair the embankment now, to protect our wildlife in the area.

“One of Moreton Bay’s greatest assets is its wildlife and this project will help to protect our fauna and flora for future generations.

“I look forward to seeing an update of the project when the vegetation is in.”

The project will involve:

* Reshaping the slope to a gentler gradient

* Relocating existing park facilities including a gazebo, electric barbecue, water tap and fencing

* Revegetating the new embankment with nearly 2000 plants

Works are expected to finish in June 2019, weather permitting.


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