Stockland’s Newport and Promenade Rothwell communities at Redcliffe have announced the launch of their annual CARE Grants programs, inviting not-for-profit and community groups to apply for funding to help create more cohesive, inclusive and engaging community-based programs and local opportunities.
Community groups within the Moreton Bay Regional Council area are encouraged to apply for funding for individual grants of up to $1,000.
Committed to shaping vibrant communities, Stockland will award up to $300,000 to organisations across the country to support local community-building initiatives.
David Laner, General Manager Residential at Stockland, said Newport and Promenade are proud to continue to back the local community groups that play such an important role in supporting the residents of the region.
“These local community groups and clubs provide a valuable connection to the community and we’re delighted to once again be able to offer CARE Grant funding to support the health, wellbeing, community connection, education, or local environmental initiatives of residents in the area,” Mr Laner said.
“The annual program has been designed to assist in building vibrant places to live, work, retire, shop and play now and into the future, and is a part of Stockland’s long-standing commitment to create truly sustainable neighbourhoods.”
The Stockland CARE Grants program has been active since 2014 and has distributed more than $1.2 million in funding to more than 1,000 local community groups across the country.
Tiernan O’Rourke, Chief Financial Officer at Stockland, said that the annual grants represent Stockland’s long-standing commitment to build liveable and thriving communities.
“Stockland is proud to once again lend a hand to community groups across Australia with the 2019 CARE Grants program. This program enables us to recognise, invest in and show our support to the local community groups who make such a difference to the social fabric of where we live, work, shop and play, now and into the future,” Mr O’Rourke said.
Those seeking funding are encouraged to apply for a CARE Grant by visiting www.stockland.com.au/about-stockland/stockland-in-the-community/care-grants.
Stockland’s CARE Grants program is accepting entries from 9:00am (AEDT) on Monday, 25 February until 5:00pm (AEDT) on Friday, 22 March 2019. Community groups will be selected based on a range of criteria relating to Stockland’s key community and environmental focus areas. The grant recipients will be announced from week commencing 27 May 2019.
For more information on the Stockland CARE Grants program, past recipients and selection criteria please visit: www.stockland.com.au/caregrants.