Schools in the Moreton Bay are being invited to join Nestlé’s upcoming International Chefs Day activities on Monday 22 October, in the name of healthy eating.
The day will see schools from across Australia teaching children about the benefits of healthy eating and physical activity through Nestlé’s Healthy Active Kids program, in partnership with Nestlé Professional and leading chefs from the Australian Culinary Federation.
Nestlé Wellness Program & Sponsorship Manager Rashna Shroff, said “We’re really excited to be teaming up with schools across Australia to help teach kids about the importance of healthy eating. We want to ensure the next generation lives a healthy, happy and active lifestyle which is brought to life through our Healthy Active Kids program.
“International Chefs Day is about inspiring healthy and sustainable relationships with food from a young age. Teachers are an incredibly important part of this conversation and we hope International Chefs Day and the resources we’ve created provide teachers with everything they need to ensure the day is a learning success,” Ms Shroff said.
To celebrate the day, Nestlé is giving away 20 Classroom Kitchen Packs including chopping boards, safety knives and peelers, as well as a class set of Nestlé Health Active Kids portion plates and aprons. Teachers can enter on behalf of their class on the Healthy Active Kids website.
This is the third year the Australian Culinary Federation has teamed up with Nestlé to involve more young people in International Chefs Day. This year’s theme, “Healthy Foods for Growing Up”, will encourage kids to think about the profession they would like to have when they are grown up, and how healthy foods can get them there.
The Nestlé Healthy Active Kids program includes free teaching units, lesson plans and a range of educational resources. For more information, visit www.healthyactivekids.com.au.