A hugely successful road safety program is on track to deliver safer school journeys for students at 1000 Queensland schools by 2020.
The Palaszczuk Government’s Flashing School Zone Signs program has identified 100 new schools that will receive flashing speed limit signals in 2018/19.
The Member for Kurwongbah, Shane King said two schools in his electorate would benefit from the latest round of safety funding.
“This is fantastic news for our local schools,” Mr King said.
“Over the next 12 months this funding will deliver flashing school zone signs at Jinibara State School and Narangba Valley State School.
““The safety of our children is a priority for the Palaszczuk Government and protecting their welfare is paramount.
“This funding will provide peace of mind for local students and families and raise awareness with drivers to slow down and be aware on the roads around our schools.”
Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey announced the funding as safety works wrapped up at 100 locations selected for installations over the past 12 months.
“When the final flashing school zone sign is installed by June 2019, our government will have funded safety upgrades at 940 schools,” Mr Bailey said.
“We are well on track to reach 1000 in 2020, which means safer access for thousands of Queensland students.
“Our flashing school zone signs have become easily identifiable across the state, reminding motorists that kids are around.
“Now we need every Queenslander to take the next step by following the road rules.”
Education Minister Grace Grace welcomed the expanded road safety measures in more school communities across the state.
“Nothing is more important than the safety of Queensland students and we want to do all we can to help them get to and from school safely,” Ms Grace said.
“These flashing signs work by alerting motorists to slow down and drive carefully in school zones.
“I’m so pleased even more Queensland school students will benefit from this successful road safety program.”
Schools are selected for flashing school zone signs based on an assessment of crash history, vehicle and pedestrian traffic, speed limits and visibility problems.
The Department of Transport and Main Road consults with schools and local governments on the design and installation plans for school zones.
The 2018/19 Flashing School Zone program is supported by funding from the Camera Detected Offence Program.
For more information on flashing school zone signs visit www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Safety/School-road-safety