Division 4 Councillor Julie Greer has announced funding for Dohles Rocks Roads’ major intersections, Lake Eden and the Griffin Sports Complex in Moreton Bay Regional Council’s 2018/19 Budget.
Cr Greer said this year’s Budget would focus on a major upgrade for the Dohles Rocks Road and Henry Road intersection at Griffin as well as ongoing funding for the Dohles Rocks Road interchange project.
“In 2018/19, council is investing $670,000 to widen and realign the Doles Rocks Road and Henry Road intersection,” Cr Greer said.
“This upgrade will prioritise northern and western legs of the intersection to improve traffic flow and safety for local residents and motorists travelling between Griffin and other parts of our region.
“Council has also allocated $2.9 million for the ongoing upgrade of the Dohles Rocks Road and Bruce Highway interchange.
“The interchange upgrade project will help improve safety for motorists along Dohles Rocks Road and includes the installation of traffic signals and a pathway connection under the highway overpass.
The project also includes the renewal of the Dohles Rocks pavement and drainage.
Cr Greer said $200,000 would also be allocated to begin design works on upgrades for Old Gympie Road at Kallangur.
“As part of council’s commitment to local road infrastructure, $693,000 has been allocated to road resurfacing across Division 4 and a further $625,000 has been invested towards connecting Mallard Street at Mango Hill with Maryvale Road.
Cr Greer also announced $750,000 for major works on Lake Eden at North Lakes.
“Lake Eden is a popular destination for local families and visitors, and serves as the backdrop for local events and the new North Lakes Hotel, which is why council has allocated $750,000 to upgrade the lake and improve its water quality.
“The project will include a major revegetation of the lake and surrounding wetland area as well as new vehicle access points for council crews to ensure the lake is more readily maintained.
As part of the Budget, a further $30,000 will be allocated for initial rectification works for Halpine Lake, Mango Hill.
Cr Greer said local sport and recreation also scored in the Budget with $500,000 for the Griffin Sports Complex project as well as $125,000 to carry out facility development planning across the region’s PCYCs including the Deception Bay Sports Centre.
“Following the completion of Kinsellas Sports Complex last year, council has secured funding for the area’s next major sport and recreation precinct, the 92ha Griffin Sports Complex.
“Once complete in 2021, the Griffin Sports Complex will unlock two-multipurpose fields, a synthetic field, clubhouse and recreational infrastructure for Griffin’s booming sports community.”