When a tenant is renting a property or room, it is their home. The property manager/owner may need to enter for an inspection, repair or a viewing, but it is important that the tenant’s privacy is respected.
Entry notice
The property manager/owner can only enter the property for a valid reason and if the correct notice has been given using the Entry notice (Form 9).
Entry times
Entry must be between 8am and 6pm Monday to Saturday. Entry is only permitted outside these hours, on a Sunday or public holidays, if the tenant agrees.
General inspections
The property manager/owner must specify a time, or two-hour window, for a general inspection, and must enter the property within that time. This timeframe does not apply to other people (e.g. tradesperson or a property valuer).
When an entry notice is not required
in an emergency
if the property manager/owner believes entry is necessary to protect the property from damage about to happen
if the tenant verbally agrees with the entry, and
to carry out site maintenance in a caravan park (if specified in the tenancy agreement)
Disputes about entry
If entry problems cannot be resolved by the tenant and property manager discussing the issue, the RTA’s free dispute resolution service may be able to help.