New artist impressions (pictured) of the $30 million Dakabin train station upgrade have been released, and Queensland Rail are inviting the community to provide comment on the concept designs.
The long-awaited upgrade, scheduled to commence in early 2020, will provide the commuter accessibility that locals have been campaigning about for years. Presently, access between the station’s two platforms is only possible via stairs accessing the pedestrian bridge over the rail line, meaning those with disabilities and parents with prams have to make an approximate 700m journey, on the edge of the road, to access the next platform.
The station upgrade will be designed to achieve independent accessibility, meaning that the station’s platforms will be able to be accessed independently via paths, ramps or lifts, without the need to use stairs; thereby enhancing pedestrian flow and better catering for people with disabilities, the elderly or families with prams. Improvements also include an assisted boarding point, new wayfinding and platform signage, and upgraded security cameras and lighting.
Member for Murrumba Steven Miles said he looked forward to hearing feedback from the local community.
“The multimillion dollar upgrade of the Dakabin train station will provide a great boost for our local community, and is likely to include a new footbridge with lifts, raising the height of platform sections to improve access to trains, and a range of other accessibility features, such as hearing aid loops and additional accessible parking,”
Mr Miles said.
“The station is an important transport connection for many local commuters, and the upgrade will ensure residents of all abilities can travel safely, including people who use mobility aids, seniors, and people with prams and luggage.”
Located on the North Coast railway line between Petrie and Narangba rail stations, and within one of Queensland’s fastest growing regions, Dakabin is a key station on the Queensland Rail network.

“This project is vital to ensure everyone in the local community has equal access to the rail services which connect their community to key activity centres, employment, study and friends and family,” Mr Miles said.
“I know our community is looking forward to this upgrade, so I encourage anyone who has feedback on the artist impressions or suggestions for the design of the station to provide feedback.”
Member for Kurwongbah Shane King said the concept designs for the station are expected to be completed by mid-2018.
“After the concept designs are completed later this year, detailed design will be undertaken ahead of construction commencing in 2020,” Mr King said.
Mr King said he encouraged commuters to provide feedback and input.
“I know our community is very passionate about this station upgrade, so I say to all those interested; download a feedback form from the project page at queenslandrail.com.au, email stationsupgrade@qr.com.au or call 1800 722 203,” Mr King said.
“Once community feedback has been considered, final design work is scheduled for completion in 2019, with works expected to commence on site in early 2020.”
Mr Miles said the upgrade of Dakabin station was not only exciting news for commuters, but would also provide a welcome boost to the local construction industry.
“The Dakabin station upgrade is expected to support around 250 jobs for Queenslanders in the construction industry, including trades like electrical, carpentry, painting, plumbing, labouring, roofing, glazing and traffic control, which is fantastic news,” Mr Miles said.
“I look forward to working with Queensland Rail to see this project progressed and delivered for the local community by 2022.”
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