Photo by: Alycia Watt
While the victors of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) are yet to be decided, North Harbour parkrun participants are already celebrating a GC2018 win.
Launched last November as part of the Embracing 2018 #parkrun4everyone
rebcampaign funded by the GC2018 Legacy Program, North Harbour parkrun in Burpengary East is one of 20 new parkrun sites operating across Australia.
The #parkrun4everyone campaign combines the Program’s aspiration to build active, engaged and inclusive communities beyond GC2018’s 11 days of unforgettable sporting competition, with parkrun’s free, weekly, 5km timed runs. North Harbour parkrun, the first of the new Queensland sites to be rolled out, launched with over 260 participants.
parkrun Australia’s CEO Tim Oberg said, “North Harbour parkrun was chosen as part of the Embracing 2018 Legacy Program as it is located in the heart of a major growth corridor between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast that was lacking in parkrun events. I’m so glad we chose to support this location as the course is sensational; weaving its way, cross country style, through the North Harbour Heritage Park and along the Caboolture River.”
One of only a handful of parkrun sites that offer a full cross country course, North Harbour participants navigate grass, gravel and narrow trails as they make their way through the paddocks of a working farm. Dogs are not permitted due to the resident cattle, and all terrain prams are strongly recommended.
“There’s a growing body of people that are starting to want to get off road, and who can see the benefits of running in nature itself,” said Event Director Connie. “The course has quite uneven terrain and the grass is quite thick in places, so it’s a good course to build your strength as a runner. Some sporting groups like soccer and AFL clubs come down and use it as training runs.
“The course is for walkers as well. We get plenty of people who walk the course every week, and it’s a really good opportunity for whole families to go out and get some exercise in, free of charge.”
Participants are able to navigate the course with ease thanks to the support of North Harbour Development. Connie (also Co-Event Director of Central Lakes parkrun) said, “North Harbour have provided so much support. They had full course signage put up all through the course before we even launched.”
Starting and finishing within North Harbour’s future $3M Heritage Park precinct, the course offers participants glimpses of heritage listed archaeological remains of the ‘Moray Fields’ settlement, which in coming years will be transformed into an interactive, educational historical attraction.
North Harbour Project Director Peter Lightbody said, “North Harbour parkrun showcases the history and beautiful natural parklands in the area, and is encouraging people to take their first step towards a healthier lifestyle and to engage within the local community.
“We’re extremely grateful to Connie and her team of volunteers who have made North Harbour parkrun so successful. It’s a great way to keep fit and healthy in a beautiful location along Caboolture River around our future Heritage Precinct site.”
WHEN: Every Saturday at 7am WHERE: North Harbour Heritage Park, Burpengary East COST: Free REGISTER: http://www.parkrun.com.au/register/