Wednesday, 21 March 2018: With the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games just around the corner, kids with ambitions to be the next sporting superstars are set to receive a boost with the Woolworths Aspiring Athletes competition.
Championing young sporting talent in the local Moreton Bay community, Woolworths Aspiring Athletes has been launched to support future Australian champions to achieve their sporting dreams.
The competition is part of the supermarket’s fresh partnership with the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games with a top prize being awarded in each state or territory.
Each winner will be given $2,000 to support their sporting aspirations and a year’s supply of Woolworths Fresh Food Kids Friendly Mini Fruit for Kids Packs.
A national winner will also be selected from the state and territory winners and will receive a major, money-can’t-buy prize that includes a two hour meet and greet session with an Australian Athlete.
Local Woolworths Operations Manager, Samantha Williams said; “We believe that Moreton Bay kids are grown for gold and that our region produces some great talent.
“At Woolworths we want to ensure aspiring athletes from the local Moreton Bay community have the best chance to reach their potential, whether that’s winning this competition or by supporting them to be fresh food kids.
“We’re looking forward to joining the community to rally behind our home grown athletes during the upcoming Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.”
The competition is open to parents or guardians with kids aged three to 13. To submit a Woolworths Aspiring Athletes Competition Entry Form, visit
The judging panel will include young weightlifting super star, and Woolworths employee, Ridge Barredo.
Ridge Barredo added; “Being part of the panel to choose the winners of the Woolworths Aspiring Athletes competition is a great privilege and an added bonus to being selected to represent Australia at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.
“I encourage parents to help their kids get a kick start to their sporting dreams by entering the competition and helping ensure the Australian team is well placed to go for gold at future Games.”
Entries are open now and close on 19 April 2018.