Member for Murrumba, Chris Whiting today congratulated local baton bearers who will carry the Queen’s baton during the 100-day countdown to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games in April.
Over a hundred local heroes would share the excitement of carrying the baton through South East Queensland as part of the Games’ tradition, Mr Whiting said.
“I’m excited for our local baton bearers. It will be an experience they will cherish for the rest of their lives.”
“They will be our local ambassadors and champion the spirit of our great community.
“Hundreds of people will get the opportunity to engage with the baton while it’s in South East Queensland and I encourage everyone to join in our local celebrations,” Mr Whiting said.
So far, the baton has been passed between thousands of people across Africa, the Caribbean, the Americas and Europe.
The baton, carrying the Queen’s message, will arrive in Queensland on Christmas Eve and approximately 3800 baton bearers will carry it through every State and Territory of Australia. The relay began in London on 13 March last year.
The baton will arrive in Redcliffe on 30 March 2018, with street level and community celebrations for the baton relay in South East Queensland to be announced on November 17.
Mr Whiting announced today that Queensland communities can share in over $300,000 of grants to stage local celebrations for the Queen’s Baton Relay.
“Grants up to $6,000 are available for Queensland councils under the Embracing 2018 Queen’s Baton Relay Community Celebrations Grants Program.
“It’s about inspiring community pride and sharing the spirit of the Games when the baton comes to town,” Mr Whiting said.
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Commonwealth Games Minister Kate Jones said the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games would be the biggest sporting event ever held in Queensland and achieve a lasting legacy for future generations.
“The Games will inject more than $4 billion into the economy, support thousands of jobs and deliver world-class sporting facilities for Queenslanders,” they said.
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GC2018 Hashtag: #GC2018, #SHARETHEDREAM